Tag: evernote

I love Evernote. It’s a huge part of my internal workflow for keeping client projects organized. Evernote is my digital hub for all communication, research, and notes related to a project. Keeping all this information in Evernote gives me peace of mind. Once the information is saved, I don’t have to worry about it. Evernote […]

paul boucher's evernote notebook - notes on colour research, meetings

I am constantly discovering new features in Evernote. My favourite recent discovery is Evernote’s Table of Contents feature. Creating a table of contents note is a fantastic way to organize all the information I’m saving. Evernote is a huge part of my workflow for organizing research, e-mails, and other details for a web design project. I create a notebook […]

I had read posts raving about Evernote for what seems like years, but I didn’t sign up until April of this year. I guess I thought I was organized enough without it. Now I can’t imagine life without Evernote. Jamie Rubin’s Going Paperless posts were a big factor in my decision to sign up for […]

Evernote notebook preview