
I’m SO excited to share my new website. In August 2013, I joined Avery Swartz‘s Web Design team. I’ve learned so much about web design and development while working with Avery. After putting my skills to work on client projects, I knew I needed to up my game on my own website. From a Free […]

Have you heard of Alfred? It’s an amazingly useful Mac application. It takes a little getting used to, but once you do, you’ll wonder how you were ever productive without it. What Alfred Can Do It super-charges your Mac’s searching capabilities. Ever try to find something using Spotlight and get annoyed at waiting for it? […]

I am constantly discovering new features in Evernote. My favourite recent discovery is Evernote’s Table of Contents feature. Creating a table of contents note is a fantastic way to organize all the information I’m saving. Evernote is a huge part of my workflow for organizing research, e-mails, and other details for a web design project. I create a notebook […]