
Nathalie-Roze organizes the Uber Swap quarterly, usually once in January, April, July, and October. This year, the fall event is set for Saturday September 28th. This will be my third time at attending the Uber Swap and I can’t recommend it highly enough. It’s fantastic to pay $6-10 and walk away with a ton of amazing […]

Uber Swap participants sorting through clothing

Remember when sharing an Instagram photo to Twitter actually shared the image in your tweet? IFTTT user joepemberton’s recipe lets you do that again. Only downside could be that it shares every Instagram. I don’t know about you, but I don’t like to tweet every Instagram image. For now, I’m stoked on this simple way […]

IFTTT recipe

I had read posts raving about Evernote for what seems like years, but I didn’t sign up until April of this year. I guess I thought I was organized enough without it. Now I can’t imagine life without Evernote. Jamie Rubin’s Going Paperless posts were a big factor in my decision to sign up for […]

Evernote notebook preview